George Dumas

George A. Dumas was a quiet man. He was not physically tall, only about 5 foot 10 inches, but as a man he was a giant. George loved life and his family more than anything. He also, loved having dinner on table at 530pm. Dinner was family time and it started at 530pm. George loved all of wife’s cooking, but he also loved Hungarian Pig Feet’s. When George was not working he spent most of his time in basement, wood working. This man could take a few “two by fours”, plywood, a few screws and build a cabinet. He built horse fences, desks, or just about anything you could think of out wood. He could also fix anything, cars, tractors, radios, toasters. Even if he could not fix them, he could take anything and everything apart. He epitomized humility, love, strength, and tenacity. He is missed by his family everyday.